Stick Out Like A Sore Thumb!

Whether you are looking to sell, give away or just make some slaps we have some stickers that will fit your needs and not break the bank.

High quality prints that many artists like to sell.

Wheat Pastes
A low cost way to cover a lot of square footage.
Our story
Sore Thumb is a family owned company, based in Portland, Oregon. We are a husband and wife team (George & Sarah) who care about making the best product we can with your artwork.
We are here to answer questions and help in any way that we can.
We just relocated to a newer larger space that will allow us to increase our product offerings and production capacity.
How can we help you bring your designs to life?
Follow us @SoreThumbPDX
Take a look at our Instagram page to see some of the latest projects & artist we have had the honor to work with.
Located at 8131 SE Taylor Ct. Portland
We have a new Montavilla location!
Our pickup window is open 10am-3pm M/T/Th/Fr.